25 November 2020 14:00 - 16:00
Rules General Meeting 2020
Venue: Online

All paid-up full members across the Union's three branches are eligible to attend a Rules General Meeting.
Rule 27.3 (i) stipulates that a Rules General Meeting (RGM) may be called by resolution of the Council for the purpose only of considering a Rule amendment or amendments proposed by the Council.
Rule 27.4 states that any proposals for change adopted by a RGM shall come into effect at midnight UK time on the Sunday following the date of the RGM, unless otherwise specified in the proposal.
Only full members are eligible to attend an RGM. The RGM is constitutionally the only meeting which has the power to propose, alter or revoke any Rule of the union.
Due to new Covid-19 lockdown restrictions the RGM will now take place online.
Notices of the RGM
Notice of a RGM called under Rule 27.3 (i) shall be given to full members at least four months prior to the RGM. Such notice shall specify the changes in the Rules which the Council proposes to submit to the meeting under Rule 27.3.
The Rule changes proposed by the Council can be viewed in Membership Resources/Meeting resources by logging in to My Nautilus.
Full members may submit proposals for changes in the Rules in addition to those proposed by the Council. Under Regulation 10.3 such proposals must be:
(a) submitted in writing;
(b) signed by at least four full members whose contributions have been paid up;
(c) dispatched to reach the General Secretary not later than two months and two weeks before the date fixed for the meeting.
Proposals from full members must be submitted in writing, signed by at least four full members in benefit and reach the General Secretary at Head Office by no later than 1700hrs on 2 September 2020.
All proposals from full members shall be given to full members at least two months prior to the Rules General Meeting.
Only full members whose contributions have been paid up shall be entitled to be present at a Rules General Meeting on the same conditions which apply to a General Meeting.
- Full members can apply to attend the RGM here
- For further information please email Adele McDonald at amcdonald@nautilusint.org

UK branch
Bookings are now open for the Nautilus UK Branch Conference on 24 November 2020. The first half of the day will be an official Union policy-making meeting for UK Nautilus members.
More events
57th meeting of Council
Venue: Liverpool, UK
UK Branch Conference 2025
Venue: Register now and join us either face to face at the Holiday Inn Liverpool (Lime Street) or online at this hybrid event spotlighting maritime employment rights!
Join our Sea to City symposium
Venue: Register now for the symposium being held during London International Shipping Week