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Completed event
Nautilus General Election Manifesto 20 June 2024 - 04 July 2024

Watch the Nautilus General Election 2024 manifesto launch webinar

Venue: Webinar series: Nautilus General Election manifesto launch part 1

Completed event
Nautilus General Election Manifesto 20 June 2024 - 04 July 2024

Watch the Nautilus General Election 2024 manifesto webinar part 2

Venue: Webinar series: Nautilus General Election manifesto launch part 2


Nautilus International's members are the lifeblood of its membership. As a democratic Union, we encourage you to have your say and help us give seafarers and inland waterway workers a national and international voice.

General meetings

The Union is only as strong, effective and powerful as the members who participate in its operation and activities.

Branch conference

You don't have to wait for a General Meeting to get active in your Union. Each constituent nation of Nautilus International has its own policy-making forum known as the Branch Conference.

Nautilus forums

Have you struggled to make your voice heard about specific challenges you face at work? Does your standard issue clothing fit poorly, are you concerned about safety in enclosed spaces, or are you critical of inadequate regulations?

Council and general secretary elections

Many Nautilus members find that they enjoy participating in Union work as a lay representative or by attending forums and conferences, and then want to take things further by standing for election to Council.

Become a Nautilus member today