Lecturer / Senior Lecturer – Maritime Science (Engineering)

The University of Gibraltar
Maritime Sector
1 year ago
Closing date:
17 August 2023
Apply nowLecturer / Senior Lecturer – Maritime Science (Engineering)
Due to the continued expansion of the Maritime Science School, the University of Gibraltar invites applications for a permanent position to teach on the programmes offered by the School of Maritime Science for the academic year 2023/24 onwards. The position would ideally suit those seeking to apply their experience in a new setting.
Applicants are expected to hold a degree in a relevant discipline and, at a minimum, experience as an Engineer Officer of the Watch (unlimited) on board a ship. Applicants should also have teaching experience. Familiarity with engine simulator set up and operations is also desirable. Further information can be found by downloading the position description at (https://www.unigib.edu.gi/vacancies/).
This is a busy, exciting post for a practically-orientated professional looking to work in a vibrant young University that is student employability focused.
Further information regarding the BSc (Hons) Maritime Science with Cadetship programme including details of modules taught can be found on the following webpage:
BSc (Hons) Maritime Science with Cadetship programme – University of Gibraltar https://www.unigib.edu.gi/courses/undergraduate/maritime-science-bsc/
In order to be considered, please submit a curriculum vitae and covering letter detailing how you meet the criteria specified in the position description by Friday 18th August 2023 to vacancy@unigib.edu.gi.
Apply for this job
Due to the continued expansion of the Maritime Science School, the University of Gibraltar invites applications for a permanent position to teach on the programmes offered by the School of Maritime Science