
Maritime Sector
2 years ago
Closing date:
29 September 2022
Apply nowMaster wanted (less than 3000kW)
Sea-Watch e.V. is a non-profit initiative dedicated to the civil sea rescue of refugees. In view of the humanitarian disaster in the central Mediterranean Sea-Watch provides emergency aid, demands and at the same time forces the rescue by the responsible European institutions and publicly stands up for legal escape routes. We are politically and religiously independent and are financed exclusively by donations.
Your assignments:
· to take on the overall responsibility for the ship and its operation. In coordination
with, and very closely supported by, an experienced Head of Mission
· to be responsible for the ship’s administration
· to handle the ship in harbor and during SAR-operations
· to prepare the documentation for the disembarkation of guests
· to familiarize the crew with the ship, the regular work and the general procedures on board, together with our permanent ship personnel
You should bring the following skills:
· EU citizenship (flag requirement)
· Valid certificate of competency of “Master” on ships of 500 gross tonnage or
more (STCW A-II/2, German license OR endorsement for the German flag –
German endorsement can be arranged in most cases)
· Valid medical fitness certificate for seafarers for desired position
· Valid General Operator’s Certificate (GMDSS) (STCW A-IV/2)
· Valid certificate of proficiency in basic safety (STCW A-VI/1) (issued within the
last 5 years)
· Valid certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boat (STCW A-VI/2-1)
(issued within the last 5 years)
· Valid certificate of proficiency for advance training in techniques for firefighting
(STCW A-VI/3) (issued within the last 5 years)
· Valid certificate of proficiency in medical care on board ship (STCW A-VI/4-2)
· Valid Certificate of proficiency of Ship Security Officer (STCW A-VI/5)
· briliant and respectful teamplayer
· Experience in leadership on ships
· Very good communication skills
· Very good knowledge of English
For long time assignments we offer:
- Salary: 3360 €/month (employee gross)
- Leave according to our 2 months on/off rotation schedule (2 months on board – 2 months leave), salary will be paid monthly as mentioned above
For short term assignments (limited to one rescue operation) we also offer the following option as well as our on/off leave concept – you will choose upfront to your assignment: - Salary: 6334€/ month (employee gross)
- Leave according to the Maritime Labor Act (2,5 days/per month)
We look forward to receiving your application!
Please send your application with letter of motivation and a CV (listening all your relevant certificates including their validity) without photo to:
Applications (letter of motivation and CV) please in ONE pdf-document.
As we are committed to an inclusive society without discrimination, we welcome any application, regardless of gender, age, cultural and social background, religion or sexual orientation. In case of equal qualification, we favour applications from women*, LGBTQI*, BIPoC, people with disabilities, people with migration experience and people from other groups underrepresented in the medical and NGO world. Should you feel addressed here, we invite you to provide relevant information on this in your application
Apply for this job
Sea-Watch, a non-profit initiative dedicated to the civil sea rescue of refugees seeks a Master