STCW Professors

Maritime Sector
2 years ago
Closing date:
30 August 2022
Apply nowRecruiting Professors
The ENSM recruits permanent and temporary STCW professors
With a strong growth in the maritime sector, the demand for officers has increased globally.
To meet the needs of French shipowners and to train future Merchant Navy officers, the French Maritime Academy, the ENSM, will significantly increase its students’ number and recruit maritime academies graduate teachers, officers or young retirees in Le Havre, Saint-Malo, Nantes and Marseille.
Experts in* : nautical sciences, ship building, ship operations, safety, electricity, electronics, automatic.
Teaching at the ENSM
Full-time : 384 hours of teaching, spread over 39 school weeks, i.e. 10 to 20 hours of teaching in class, plus preparation time and involvement in the Academy daily life. Part-time possible.
Holidays : there are 39 weeks in the school year.
Training in pedagogy : reduced teaching hours during the first year (300 hours maximum), special trainings, integration into the pedagogic team within the teaching units, tutoring.
Students : students for deck or engine departments, or dual-purpose postbac programs under initial training, experienced seafarers under vocational trainings and students in courses under continuing education.
Research : opportunity to get involved in innovative projects on maritime safety and decarbonization.
Participation to students admissions.
Conditions of employment : CDI, salary according to scale based on experience.
STCW Temporary staff: up to 192h / year
Educational tools :
The ENSM has state-of-the-art educational equipment. An agreed investment program guarantees its renewal and continuous improvement.
On campuses, there are modern and recent simulators very well maintained, for navigation, engine-room operations, cargo operations, dynamic positioning, radars, GMDSS. Each campus site has practical training rooms, for mechanical engineering and electrical engineering
The Academy also has unique equipment such as the Ship-in-School, integrated bridge-machine simulator and a high-voltage practical training room in Le Havre, a ship bridge and a steam power plant in Marseille, the only one in France.
*1: Nautical Sciences - SNA
- Navigation instruments, ECDIS, polar and ice navigation, meteorological routing, bridge watchkeeping, position fixing, passage planning, SAR operations, navigation in special weather conditions.
- Ship manoeuvring, practicing various situations (berthing, leaving port, anchorage, ship-to-ship, emergency manoeuvring, drydocking operations, etc.), ship navigation in ice.
- Meteorology, oceanography.
2: Ship building, Operations, Safety - CES
- Hull structure and inspections, ship building, refitting, dismantling.
- Operating different ship types (liquid bulk, solid bulk, containers, carriage of dangerous goods, etc.)
- Technical English, maritime English, legal and commercial English, SMCP.
3: Electricity, Electronics, Automatic - EEA
- Power electronics, electrical propulsion, frequency conversion, IGBT, PWM, dodecaphase motors, specificities of electric propulsion motors, harmonic pollution.
- Production, distribution of electrical energy, emergency distribution, engine protection.
- Specificities of marine electrotechnical equipment.
- Maintenance of electrical and electrotechnical equipment on ships, diagnosis and troubleshooting, reading technical plans/drawings (lifting devices, cranes, elevators, kitchens, accommodation, etc.).
- Maintenance of electronic equipment on ships (radar, GPS, inertial unit, compass, loch, sounder, anemometer, autopilot, alarm systems, GMDSS, Inmarsat, etc.).
- Automatic (identification and adjustment of control and servo loops, PID, Kalman filtering, etc.).
- Automation, control and control of engine equipment (2 and 4 stroke propulsion engines, gas turbines, refrigeration plants, separators, boilers, etc.).
- Industrial programmable logic controllers, supervision, digital process monitoring & control.
- Sensors (level gauge, flow, rate torque, force, pneumatic converters, etc.) and actuators.
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