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Maritime non-fiction / History

Why maritime history is everyone's history

The Millennium Maritime Trade Revolution 700-1700, by Nick Collins


imageduvul.pngNick Collins' latest book is a continuation of his previous work How Maritime Trade and the Indian Subcontinent Shaped the World, which was reviewed by the Nautilus Telegraph team in 2022.

As before, Collins uses meticulous research and engaging storytelling to highlight the pivotal role of maritime history in shaping world events.

Delving into the dynamics of maritime commerce from the collapse of the Roman Empire to the early modern era, The Millennium Maritime Trade Revolution 700-1700 employs a diverse collection of sources to provide a comprehensive understanding of this transformative period.

The Millennium Maritime Trade Revolution 700-1700
By Nick Collins
Pen & Sword, £35    
ISBN: 978 13990 60127

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