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Maritime non-fiction / Memoir

Member's memoir of an epic career

Deep Seas and Tall Ships, by Peter J. Hill

Peterdeep_seas_tall_ships_cover_web.jpg Hill's sea service began in 1963 at age 16, when he swapped a school uniform for his Merchant Navy cadet kit and began the first of many voyages.

He rose to chief mate, and trainees today might be amazed to read he stayed at sea until he was 70 – and is still a Nautilus member.

Hill's undulating narrative is interspersed with personal images and poetry penned over his six-decade seafaring career, in which the 'tall ships' of the title are a highlight.

Deep Seas and Tall Ships
By Peter J. Hill          
Brewin Books, £12.95
ISBN: 978 18585 87578

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