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The Nautilus Telegraph's letters pages have some of the keenest insights in the industry. If you have something to say to your fellow maritime professionals, email the editor at Letters should be 200 words or less, and photos illustrating your point are also welcome. You can ask not to be identified by name, or to be known only by your Nautilus membership number, but you must supply your name and address. The editor reserves the right to crop or edit readers’ letters, and to refuse publication. Letters will be published as space permits, online and in the printed Nautilus Telegraph.

Latest letters

Letters to the editor

Help us remember MN veterans of D-Day in North Wales

The 6 June ceremonies in Portsmouth and Ver-sur-Mer commemorating the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Normandy Landings made little or no mention of the huge sacrifice and contribution made by the Fourth Service, the Merchant Navy. We intend to put this right in a ceremony in North Wales.

  • 08 July 2024
Letters to the editor

P&O pirates

I don’t remember anyone saying that the crew members of the P&O ferries were signed off Articles by the shipping master prior to their removal from the vessels.

  • 04 June 2024
Letters to the editor

Visitors welcome at new Falklands memorial bench

I would like to invite fellow Nautilus members to visit our new Falklands memorial bench in Pickering Park, Hull.

  • 03 May 2024
Letters to the editor

In memory of Don Hunter

Former radio officer Donald 'Don' Hunter, a Second World War veteran who campaigned tirelessly to ensure recognition for fellow Merchant Navy seafarers, has died at the age of 98.

  • 02 May 2024
Letters to the editor

Clan Line reunion 2024

The annual Clan Line reunion will take place at The Liner Hotel in Liverpool on Wednesday 2 October 2024 and is one of the last remaining reunions to be held by a former major UK shipping company.

  • 30 April 2024
Letters to the editor

Having internet onboard is OK, but the bar was better for morale

Conditions have gone downhill badly from their heyday, when you got port time where you could get ashore to unwind and just see other people.

  • 30 April 2024

Nautilus Telegraph cartoons

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