Letters to the editor
The Nautilus Telegraph's letters pages have some of the keenest insights in the industry. If you have something to say to your fellow maritime professionals, email the editor at telegraph@nautilusint.org. Letters should be 200 words or less, and photos illustrating your point are also welcome. You can ask not to be identified by name, or to be known only by your Nautilus membership number, but you must supply your name and address. The editor reserves the right to crop or edit readers’ letters, and to refuse publication. Letters will be published as space permits, online and in the printed Nautilus Telegraph.
Latest letters
DP training was fine until the goal posts were moved
I very much agree with the letter written by member number 179359 regarding the high costs of attaining and revalidating dynamic positioning (DP) certification.
In memory of Anthony (Tony) Fell
In memory of Anthony (Tony) Fell, a former Council member and a Union member since 1963 who was dedicated to furthering the development of radio officers.
SED should be extended to all those at sea for over six months a year
Given the changes in the operation of UK-flagged vessels, is it not time for the rules around claiming Seafarers' Earnings Deduction to be reviewed?
Scarlett Barnett-Smith: the maritime woman my mother wanted to be
I was very pleased to read in the last edition of the Telegraph about the success of recently-qualified officer Scarlett Barnett-Smith, whom I first met during her time at the Port of London Authority (PLA)
Expensive DPO training needs a shake-up
Having worked as a surveyor onboard many offshore construction and support vessels, I hear a common complaint from the bridge officers about the cost and hassle involved in obtaining and maintaining DPO [dynamic positioning operator] certification.
In memory of Captain John Roberts
Nautilus is offering its condolences on the death of Captain John Roberts, former chair of Nautilus Council and past member of the Nautilus Welfare Fund Committee.