Nautilus International will be hosting a drop-in for crew in Antibes in March 2020.
The Improving Yacht Crew Retention conference planned and hosted by Quaynote, due to take place at the AC Hotel Ambassadeur Antibes on Thursday 12 March 2020 has been cancelled. It had planned to focus on retaining the best yacht crew through first-class benefits and pension provision, Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) compliance and training.
On Wednesday 11 March from mid-day, Nautilus will still be hosting drop-in sessions as planned which will offer advice on employment-related issues and assistance with the Union's Commercial Yacht Service Record Book.
In attendance will be Nautilus International's strategic organiser Rachel Lynch and Nautilus representative from D&B Services Jorg Wendt.
The drop in session is free for Nautilus members, to register your interest please email yachts@nautilusint.org
D&B is one of Nautilus International's strategic yacht partners and will host the drop-in session at their office in Antibes.
Speakers at the conference had included Karen Passman, from Impact Crew and Helen Warren, director of Sovren Crew, both of which are also Nautilus strategic yacht partners.
The event was targeting captains, yacht managers, crew, lawyers, corporate service providers and others involved in the industry.
Entry to the forum was €355 for standard tickets and €295 for earlybird tickets, and Quaynote was offering Nautilus members 15% discount when they use the code 'NAUT' at the point of sale.