Female yacht crew support network joins Nautilus as a strategic yacht partner
16 February 2024

Nautilus is pleased to welcome a new strategic partner in the yacht sector with a focus on supporting women onboard throughout their career and beyond.
Nautilus's strategic partners are agencies, employers, owners and regulatory authorities with which the Union maintains a dialogue to help support yacht sector members.
The most recent addition is Yacht Pearls of Wisdom, a network of professional support for female yacht crew. Nautilus took part in a yacht panel discussion with the network at a 2023 Resilience Voyage event held in Antibes, which tackled issues such as keeping women crew safe onboard, and building skills and resilience.
Nautilus strategic organiser Cheryl McCann said: 'Nautilus welcomes Yacht Pearls of Wisdom as our new strategic partner. This organisation is a network dedicated to women in yachting created by founder Cherise Reedman following her own experiences from working within the sector. Their community provides support to women in yachting onboard, ashore and beyond. Yacht Pearls of Wisdom understands the importance of becoming and remaining a Nautilus International member and we look forward to working together.'
For a full list of strategic partners and to find out more about the programme, visit the Nautilus Yacht Hub.
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