The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) is to hold its second annual conference as a two-week virtual event this year, primarily due to Covid-19.
Running from Monday 6 July to Friday 17 July, the 2020 Annual Conference will feature multiple streams covering, among other things, the challenges of decarbonisation and a wider shift to greener, more sustainable ways of operating, developments in the naval sector and the outlook for autonomous systems.
The conference will use a mixture of webinars, live debates, 1-2-1 talks with experts, and panel discussions. A new event app will help delegates keep track of what's happening when, take part in live polls, access supporting content and network with other participants and sponsors.
The conference programme, which is subject to change, will include:
- Careers
- Coast and Ocean Mapping and Hydrography
- Decarbonisation
- Digitalisation
- Engines and Propulsion Innovation
- Forward Steps in Vessel Design
- Green Marine
- Human Element – kindly supported by Bangladesh Marine Academy
- Navigating Ballast Water Management – kindly supported by Hyde Marine
- New Currents in Naval and Defence Engineering
- Safer Crew and Vessel Operation
- Servicing the Offshore Oil and Gas Sector
- Ship Maintenance Strategies
- The Future of Ocean Science
To find out more and to register visit the IMarEST Annual Conference 2020 ticket event web page.
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