Join the debate on hours of work abuse and exhaustion at sea and the solutions
16 February 2021

The risks of exhaustion at sea and the widespread abuse of Hours of Work and Rest will be discussed by a high-profile panel of experts at a webinar jointly hosted by Nautilus International and Lloyd's List.
The webinar, 'We need to talk about exhaustion' follows the publication of a shocking new report by the World Maritime University, which exposed 'widespread malpractices' in hours of work reporting, representing a ticking time bomb for the industry, which could lead to serious casualties, loss of life and environmental damage.
The important online event will focus on lessons learned from the report and what steps can be taken to improve the system.
The 90-minute webinar will take place on Friday 5 March 2021 at 14:00 GMT.
The event will be moderated by Lloyd's List chief correspondent Richard Clayton and the speakers include:
- Mark Dickinson, General Secretary of Nautilus International
- Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, President of the World Maritime University
- Professor Raphael Baumler, Head of Maritime Safety and Environmental Administration at the World Maritime University
- Katie Higginbottom, Chief Executive of ITF Seafarers Trust
- Julie Carlton, Head of Seafarer Safety and Health, UK Seafarer Services, MCA
Register for the event
Download the full WMU report here
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