Good progress is being made on this year's pay and conditions review at Maersk Supply Service, following the recent renewal of the company's collective bargaining agreement with Nautilus.
The pay review was discussed by the member-led Partnership at Work committee at Maersk's Aberdeen office, after which Nautilus national organiser Steve Doran met with Maersk HR manager Shari Norris.
As well as looking at pay and conditions, the pair covered the company's recent change of ownership to AP Moller Holding and its plans for a green transition.
'We are looking forward to continuing our longstanding relationship as they grow into the renewables market,' said Mr Doran.
- How should a just transition to greener shipping be achieved, so seafarers get the safety standards and training they deserve? Join the debate and influence Union policy at the Nautilus International General Meeting on 23-25 October. You can find out more and register here
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