Maritime Skills Academy gains MCA approval for STCW online training
3 June 2020

The Maritime Skills Academy has gained Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) approval to run four of its STCW courses by webinar.
MSA training and performance director Mark Jaenicke said: 'We are very proud to be one of the innovators in delivering MCA approved STCW webinar and eLearning courses to the maritime world.
'We are always looking for new and diverse ways to assist the seafaring community. This method will not only help seafarers in the current situation, but we see it as the future of STCW training.'
The four webinar courses cover:
- Updating Advanced Fire Fighting (UAFF)
- Designated Security Duties (DSD)
- Security Awareness (SA)
- Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities (PSSR)
The MSA is also currently running courses in its Dover centre, but with limited numbers of trainees due to social distancing measures.
The webinar courses are described as theory based and with 'a robust assessment process, and great student interaction'.
MSA says in its experience, webinars ease the pressure for companies to have their seafarers training competence met.
Mr Jaenicke added that more courses taught in this style will follow in the next few months at the MSA to support a new direction of seafarers learning remotely.
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