Maritime Skills Commission launches cadet training implementation board
13 October 2021

The Maritime Skills Commission has launched a cadet training implementation committee to oversee modernisation of the established syllabus.
Department for Transport director of maritime Petra Wilkinson will chair the group, which is officially known as the Cadet Training & Modernisation Oversight Committee.
Nautilus International general secretary Mark Dickinson hailed the move, which will help usher in the rapid changes in training needed to attract students into the profession. 'By updating course content to align with present and future sector needs, and in providing the quality education which students deserve, it will ensure UK seafarers remain competitive in the global shipping sector,' he said.
Maritime Skills Commission chair Graham Baldwin said: 'Although the training offered in the UK is seen as good by the rest of the world, like all things it needs modernising to keep pace and to strengthen its position in the international education arena. I commend the MCA for their commitment and look forward to being an active participant on the board.'
Board members comprise:
- Nautilus International general secretary Mark Dickinson
- UK Chamber of Shipping vice-president Graham Westgarth
- Maritime Skills Commission chair Graham Baldwin
- Chair of Port of Tyne Lucy Armstrong
- Trinity House deputy master Iain McNaught
- Maritime and Coastguard Agency chief executive Brian Johnson
Creation of the Implementation Board was a key recommendation in the 2021 Seafarer Cadet Review Report, which recommended the overhaul of funding for seafarer training and modernised courses.
Creating a fairer future for cadet training
In its Build Back Fairer manifesto, Nautilus International is campaigning for the government to increase investment in the Support for Maritime Training (SMarT) scheme to cover 100% of the cost of training UK-resident seafarers and require a commitment from employers to guarantee a period of employment on completion of a cadetship.