Mark Dickinson has been re-elected as Nautilus general secretary to serve a five year term of office to 2026.
Mr Dickinson’s candidacy was unopposed. This will be his fourth term in the role.
'It is both an honour and a deep responsibility to be re-elected as general secretary, at a time when our members are facing unprecedented challenges,' he said.
'The disgraceful treatment of seafarers during the crew change crisis and the recent shutdown of pay talks at the International Labour Organization show that our key workers are still not receiving the recognition they deserve, nor are their rights such as those under the MLC being honoured by governments. The failure to prioritise seafarers for vaccination, ensure access to vaccines for seafarers at sea and the resurgence of variants of the virus prompting action by some governments show that this crisis is not over. We have so much more to do.
'I will do my utmost to address this and respond to the many challenges that lie ahead on behalf of our members. I will also be ensuring that Nautilus is fit for the future.
'I am looking forward to getting out and about again and to resume visiting ships when restrictions are eased..
'This is a crucial moment in maritime history, which the Union needs to seize – in the wake of Covid-19, as the governments seek to rebuild, to ‘build back better’ as many have termed it, Nautilus will be fighting to ensure we "build back fairer". Our members and all maritime professionals deserve nothing less.'
The vote for the position of general secretary was held at the same time as elections to Nautilus Council. Voting closed on 21 April 2021 and election results were declared by the scrutineer Civica Election Services (CES).
The full election statement from the scrutineer CES, containing additional information such as the number of votes cast, can be viewed in the Resources section of the Nautilus website.