Crew attending this year's annual showcase of superyachts at the Monaco Yacht Show are reminded they can catch up with their Nautilus representative there.
Strategic organiser Danny McGowan will be available at the show from Wednesday 26 to Friday 28 September 2018. The Union will stage drop-in sessions with its superyacht industry strategic partner – ACREW – in the company's official crew lounge at La Rascasse.
More than 30,000 visitors are expected to attend the show set in Port Hercules, where more than 120 superyachts will be on display and 40 new launches will make their worldwide debut.
To provide a tailored service to members in this sector, Nautilus also has partnerships with large yacht agencies in countries including France, Spain, the US as well as the UK.
Members who would like the Union organisers to visit a stand or their vessel should email us at yachts@nautilusint.org, so we can arrange the most convenient time for you. Alternatively, look out for us as we tour the show or stop for a chat at the crew lounge.