Nautilus yacht organisers Cheryl McCann and Laura Molineux will be attending the Palma International Boat Show 2024, where they will be available to meet members and other yacht crew as well as attending industry events.
The Show is taking place from 25th to 28th April, inaugurating the Mediterranean season.
On Friday 26 April, Ms Molineux will be taking questions from the audience as a panellist at an ESTELA Breakfast Seminar, which focuses on 'crew careers, health & wellbeing'. The event is being held at the Restaurant Varadero (a four-minute walk from Palma Superyacht Village). It is free to attend but it is best to register in advance.
That afternoon the organisers will be attending the Acrew Lounge, where Georgia Allen from ISWAN/Yacht Crew Help will give a presentation on crew personal safety.
'When we're not at these events we will be on site and talking to crew on the marina throughout the day on Friday and Saturday. Please do look out for us, or get in touch if you'd like to meet up,' Ms Molineux said.