Members are urged to formally submit proposals for debate at the upcoming Union General Meeting in Rotterdam in October 2019.
The General Meeting is the Union's most important policy-making forum where members can debate the matters that most affect them at work - and set the agenda and policies that Nautilus International should follow.
From fair pay to fair treatment, criminalisation to automation and social dumping to social media, there’s no shortage of subject matter.
Each motion must be signed by four full members of Nautilus International and submitted to the Union’s head office by 17:00 on Friday 5 July.
Scanned copies of the form can be submitted by email to amcdonald@nautilusint.org and must include four signatures with the member’s details for each motion submitted.

General Meeting guide to motions
Time is running out, but members can still formally submit proposals for debate at the upcoming Union General Meeting in Rotterdam from 8-10 October 2019, as long as the motions are received before 5 July. We have produced a handy GM guide with motion forms in three languages. Have your membership number and password handy as you will need to login to download the forms. Please note that the form appears in the three languages of the Union, but the meeting will be conducted in English only.