Nautilus members and officials took part in the national Remembrance Day events, leading the tributes to more than 40,000 merchant seafarers who died in the two world wars.
General secretary Mark Dickinson laid a wreath at the Merchant Navy war memorial in Tower Hill, London, while Nautilus member Captain David Johnstone laid the wreath on behalf of the MN at the Cenotaph as part of the traditional National Service of Remembrance.

The Union was represented at the Westminster Abbey service by members Captain Allan MacLachlan, Captain Christopher Williams, and Deputy Captain Andrew Foote, and professional and technical official David Appleton.
Nautilus member and Swire Pacific chief engineer Christopher Watson was the Merchant Navy representative in the procession to the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior.

Sturdy boots rope calloused hands,
home knit ganzies, reek of baccy,
walnut faces gnarled by adversity.
at ease with each other,
at ease with the sea,
no fear of conflict, no fear of defeat,
these are Britain's hardy sons,
salt in their blood,
modesty second nature,
true descendants of Britannia,
who offered their lives,
that we may stay free.
We shall remember them
… forever.
Roger Cliffe-Thompson
(Nautilus Welfare Fund mens' activity co-ordinator)