Know an outstanding cadet? Nomination deadline for the Bevis Minter Award extended
18 April 2024

The nominations period for the 2024 Nautilus Bevis Minter Award which recognises outstanding achievement by Merchant Navy cadets in overcoming difficulties during their study, were extended until 22 April 2024.
Launched in 1996, it honours past chair of the Nautilus International Council Bevis Minter, who was a passionate advocate of action to safeguard British seafaring skills.
Bevis Minter was a Port of London Authority marine pilot who died in office while fulfilling his role at Nautilus. The award was established in his name to formally recognise the hard work and dedication of officer trainees.
Nominations for the Bevis Minter Award can be made by any training establishment based in the United Kingdom or Republic of Ireland that delivers approved officer trainee training programmes leading to the award of a Certificate of Competency (CoC). Eligible nominees must be, or have been within the past 12 months, an officer trainee in a scheme of training leading to an award of a CoC.
The award, sponsored by Nautilus International, has now been given national prominence within the Maritime UK Awards as one of the 14 categories.
All submissions must be made by Monday 22 April 2024.
Winners will be presented with their trophy at the Maritime UK Awards 2024 ceremony, which will be hosted at the Titanic Museum in Belfast on Wednesday 5 June 2024.
- apply for the Bevis Minter Award
- previous winners
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