Nautilus International is continuing to take a firm line against poverty wages as more potentially unlawful online job adverts were brought to the Union's attention.
The adverts relate to roles in the North Sea, offshore sector, and even one relating to a mini cruise vessel, where the jobs pay sub-National Minimum Wage daily rates. On each occasion the Union has reported the agencies responsible to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and requested an investigation.
'It is extremely concerning that, despite the extension of the NMW legislation to apply to seafarers serving on any ship working in UK territorial waters and the UK sector of the continental shelf, the Union is still being informed about online job advertisements which breach the legislation. These relate to long working days onboard, for poverty wages, well below the NMW,' Nautilus International director of legal services Charles Boyle said.
The Union encourages members who see such advertisements to report them to HMRC, which is charged with enforcing the NMW legislation,' he added.
Another recent example brought to the attention of the Union was a position in the offshore sector, which paid £93.60-per-day and was restricted to 'only candidates from the European Union as per owner's instructions'.
'This is social dumping and has an adverse impact on the attractiveness of such jobs for British seafarers. Expressly excluding British seafarers is likely to breach EU and UK equality laws,' added Mr Boyle.
'To add insult to injury, many of the adverts expressly exclude British seafarers, which is likely to breach EU and UK equality laws.'
The October 2020 extension of the NWM to include all mariners working on merchant ships and offshore energy installations in UK waters and on the UK sector of the Continental Shelf was a significant victory for the Union's Fair Pay campaign.
Nautilus is warning employment agencies and employers that breaches of the legislation will not be tolerated and is calling on seafarers to continue to report any adverts which appear to pay below the NMW.
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