Domiciliary care services provided by the Nautilus Welfare Fund for retired seafarers has been positively rated in its recent inspection from the Care Quality Commission.
The inspection team rated the quality of care provided via the Mariners' Park based Nautilus Care services as being in the 'Good' category.
All personal care services are regulated by the CQC, which inspect services under five headings: safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. Inspections are usually every two to three years.
The rating system has four bands: outstanding, good, requires improvement, and inadequate. Nautilus Care services were awarded a good rating in every category.
Nautilus Care is a domiciliary service - part of a range of housing and care services provided for former merchant seafarers and their families at Mariners' Park. The service provides care to people in their own homes and within an extra care housing setting known as The Trinity House Hub also situated within the Park. Within the Hub people have their own apartments and there is a café, laundry, gym, hairdressers and communal spaces for people to socialise. Staff are available 24 hours per day in the Hub.
People's experiences of using the service were positive inspectors noted: 'People told us they received support that kept them safe. This support was provided by staff who had been safely recruited, who they knew well and who arrived when planned.'
Medicines were administered by trained staff and people did not raise any concerns, said the inspection team. People's needs were assessed, and person-centred care plans had been developed to meet their individual needs. Consent to care and treatment was also sought and recorded in line with the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Staff treated people with kindness and compassion, said the inspectors. 'They provided support that protected people's dignity and privacy. Staff knew the people they supported well, including their needs and preferences and worked in ways that promoted their independence. People were given information and were supported to make decisions and their views regarding care was regularly sought.'
People's care plans were detailed and reflected individual needs and preferences regarding care and were also involved in regular reviews of their care to ensure it continued to meet their needs. A procedure was in place to manage complaints and people knew how to raise any concerns they had.
The registered manager was aware of their responsibilities and had notified CQC of any incidents that had occurred within the service, and displayed their previous rating as required. 'Staff told us they were well supported by the management team and enjoyed their jobs,' reported the inspection team.
Information on how CQC processes and protects personal information, and on the rights of data subjects, are published on the CQC website at or can be obtained by contacting our National Customer Service Centre.
Mick Howarth, Welfare Manager, added. 'This good inspection report is a tribute to the commitment, skill, dedication and caring approach of each and every one of our 16 domiciliary care staff and their managers, and they should be proud of their achievement. These are challenging times to provide care and it is good see our high standards being formally recognised by the Care Quality Commission.'