Nautilus Council has 12 new members and has increased its female seafarer representation as a result of the 2023 election results.
Following the close of voting on 26 April 2023, the results of the Nautilus International Council elections were declared by the scrutineer Civica Election Services (CES).
The 2023 elections was for all 32 seats, with 25 members being elected. One category was contested and required a ballot.
The contested category's ballot − Other Particular Categories, including hotel services and shore-based members (UK Branch) − opened with seven candidates standing for four places. The successful candidates for this category were Christine McLean, Jessica Tyson, Stephen Gudgeon, and Catherine Wannell.
All other categories received equal or fewer nominations than the number of vacancies available. Nominees in these categories were therefore elected unopposed. Female representation on the Council was also boosted to four, now making up 16% of elected Council members.
Newly elected members of the Council are Allan Dickson, Richard Johnson, Terence Warner, Dawn Franklyn, Gary Calderwood, Alexander Day, Fraser McNally, Sean Turner, Frank Broeksma, Hein Hiemstra, Christine McLean and Sieto de Vries.
Re-elected members are Ross Cleland, Iain MacKenzie, Fraser Matthew, Henk Eijkenaar, Harald Ludwig, Jan van der Zee, Geert Feikema, John Wainman, Jessica Tyson, Catherine Wannell, Stephen Gudgeon and Wilco van Hoboken. Russell Downs returns to the Council after standing down in 2021.
As always, all full members across Nautilus International were eligible to vote for any of the candidates, no matter which sector they worked in or whether their national branch was the UK, Netherlands or Switzerland. However, the places on the Council are divided into categories to ensure a balance of sectoral representation across the industry and a diverse pool of knowledge.
You can see the full makeup of the new Council from the 2023 election in the table below:
Name | Category |
Allan Dickson | Engineers (including ETO's/Electricians/Radio Officers) |
Russell Downs | Engineers (including ETO's/Electricians/Radio Officers) |
Richard Johnson | Engineers (including ETO's/Electricians/Radio Officers) |
John Wainman | Engineers (including ETO's/Electricians/Radio Officers) |
Wilco van Hoboken | Engineers (including ETO's/Electricians/Radio Officers) |
Harald Ludwig | Inland navigation |
Jan van der Zee | Inland navigation |
Frank Broeksma | Navigators (including Shipmasters) |
Gary Calderwood | Navigators (including Shipmasters) |
Ross Cleland | Navigators (including Shipmasters) |
Alexander Day | Navigators (including Shipmasters) |
Henricus Eijkenaar | Navigators (including Shipmasters) |
Dawn Franklyn | Navigators (including Shipmasters) |
Hein Hiemstra | Navigators (including Shipmasters) |
Iain MacKenzie | Navigators (including Shipmasters) |
Fraser Matthew | Navigators (including Shipmasters) |
Fraser McNally | Navigators (including Shipmasters) |
Sean Turner | Navigators (including Shipmasters) |
Sieto de Vries | Other particular categories, including hotel services and shore-based members |
Geert Feikema | Other particular categories, including hotel services and shore-based members |
Stephen Gudgeon | Other particular categories, including hotel services and shore-based members |
Christine McLean | Other particular categories, including hotel services and shore-based members |
Jessica Tyson | Other particular categories, including hotel services and shore-based members |
Catherine Wannell | Other particular categories, including hotel services and shore-based members |
Terence Warner | Ratings |