The Swiss Federal Office of Transport has approved planning permission for the Gateway Basel Nord trimodal port terminal project.
The planned publicly financed construction of the new trimodal port terminal in Switzerland came under the spotlight at Nautilus International's October 2022 Swiss symposium, which heard there is a need for formal 'charters' for decent working conditions at ports.
Florian Röthlingshöfer, director Swiss Rhine Ports, said: 'The planning approval is central to further planning for the realisation of Harbour Basin 3. The Federal Office of Transport has thus given the green light for the realisation of an important step for the further development of the Rhine ports as a national container logistics hub.'

Nautilus national secretary re-elected
Holger Schatz, national secretary for Nautilus International's Switzerland branch, has been re-elected to his position for a further four years at the branch's annual general meeting, held last year in Basel. Ton Smits and Stephan Sutter were reconfirmed in their roles at the National Committee during the event.
During the general meeting the branch's annual report was also presented, and can be requested from the Union by emailing infoch@nautilusint.org