Sailors' Society provides free mental health and wellbeing support to more than 1,000 ships
23 July 2020

Crew on more than 1,000 ships have been supported by a free mental health and wellbeing support programme set up in response to Covid-19 by international maritime welfare charity Sailors' Society.
The International Transport Workers' Federation estimates there is now 300,000 seafarers stuck onboard in need of repatriation.
The charity has seen a marked increase during the pandemic in interest from companies wishing to partner on its dedicated crew care programmes and is hoping more companies will be inspired to take part.
Sailors' Society's Wellness at Sea programme manager Johan Smith said: 'The most important part of the awareness campaign is to tell seafarers that they are not alone, with the emphasis on where to get help in this trying time.
'We're pleased that so many companies have recognised the importance of caring for their crew, through the stresses of the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond and would be delighted to speak with any others interested in taking a similar approach.'
The awareness campaign is free of charge and rolled-out over 27 weeks via a variety of materials including podcasts, videos and posters. Seafarers can make contact with counsellors and port chaplains through dedicated helplines.
Several crew agencies and shipping companies have chosen to partner with the Society on its Wellness at Sea awareness campaign, including Seaspan, Fleet, SWIRE, Mayfair, Seaarland, Dynacom Tankers and Dorian LPG.
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