Maritime careers are very much in the spotlight as UK National Careers Week 2020 gathers pace today.
Industry body Maritime UK – which counts Nautilus as a member – is behind major events in Liverpool, Hull and Bristol, and has launched a set of 'Maritime and Me' profiles of women working in the sector.
During the week, schoolchildren and careers advisors in maritime regions will be learning about careers in one of Britain’s biggest industries. A highlight is an event onboard HMS Prince of Wales, the nation's newest aircraft carrier, as the Royal Navy's flagship visits Liverpool for the first time. Schoolchildren from across the NW England have been invited to learn about how the carrier was built and the range of jobs that played a role in delivering the programme.
Maritime UK will be promoting careers across all maritime industries: shipping, ports, engineering, leisure and services.
The focus will then shift to Hull and to Bristol as partners from across the sector come together to promote careers at the Skills Humber and National Careers Guidance Shows.
Maritime UK director Ben Murray said: 'Following funding from government announced during London International Shipping Week in September we’ve been working with industry partners through the Maritime Careers Taskforce to establish our cross-sector careers campaign. This includes a dedicated brand, recruitment of a careers and outreach manager, production of new resources and creation of a comprehensive national programme of events where a career in maritime will now be promoted.
'Our activity this week is just the start of this new campaign but already shows what we can achieve by working together across the sector.
'National Careers Week is a fantastic opportunity to promote a career in maritime and get the message out there that maritime offers an incredibly rewarding, fulfilling and exciting career for everyone. Our message is clear, and we’re determined to get it out there.'
A new year-round calendar of events to promote maritime careers is now live on the www.maritimecareers.uk website.