Nautilus International has launched a survey to gather further evidence on the issues members have experienced with crew change during the global coronavirus pandemic.
As part of the Union's efforts to alleviate the global crew change crisis, Nautilus is working with the UK Government and UK Chamber of Shipping to develop solutions to assist seafarers who are in need of repatriation.
It is important that the Union has up to date information on the numbers of seafarers that are affected, the ports which are most affected and amount of time these issues are taking to resolve.
Members are invited to take part in a short survey to provide the union with further statistical evidence of the problem. The more responses there are, the more useful the results will be so members are urged to participate and encourage others to do the same - even if they themselves have not experienced any issues related to repatriation.
The survey can be found at: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NI_Repatriation
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