Nautilus members are being encouraged to submit nominations for the International Seafarers' Welfare Awards 2019, which recognise the best examples of seafarers’ welfare provision across the globe.
The awards, organised by the International Seafarers' Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN), are the only awards in the industry which put seafarers' voices at the centre.
This year marks a change in the selection process – not only will seafarers nominate their chosen ports, seafarers' centres, shipping companies and welfare personalities; for the first time in the awards' history, seafarers will also judge the final shortlist and select the overall winners.
ISWAN executive director Roger Harris said: 'We are excited to be doing things differently this year. We wanted to give seafarers even more of a say in deciding which companies, organisations and individuals are honoured with these awards, so this year seafarers will have the power to decide who will win. We want to showcase the best in welfare provision across the shipping industry, and who better to choose than seafarers themselves?'
- seafarers - nominate your welfare heroes
Individuals and organisations involved with seafarers' welfare can also nominate for the two Dr Dierk Lindemann Welfare Personality of the Year awards.
The shortlist will be announced in June, and the ceremony will take place at Inmarsat's headquarters after its crew welfare event on Wednesday 11 September, during London International Shipping Week.
- for more information, visit www.seafarerswelfareawards.org.