Time to vote for your unsung hero in the Annual Award for Services to Seafarers' Welfare
19 July 2023

The deadline for a UK national award that recognises outstanding individuals in the maritime sector is fast approaching.
The Annual Award for Services to Seafarers' Welfare, founded in 1988 by the Merchant Navy Welfare Board (MNWB), is given for exceptional service to the welfare of seafarers or fishers.
Nominees can be either salaried personnel or volunteers in the maritime charity sector. They should have a history of making a positive and proactive contribution to the welfare of seafarers over a long period of time.
Stuart Rivers, chief executive of the MNWB, said: 'This is a fantastic award which has been awarded to so many worthy recipients. These have been very challenging times and we know many people in the maritime welfare sector have gone above and beyond what is usually expected. And this award enables us to show our sincere appreciation for the difference those individuals make to bettering seafarers' welfare.
'With that in mind, and given the closing date is upon us, I'd strongly urge you to submit your nominations.'
Last year's recipients of the award included Mick Howarth, a former welfare manager for the Nautilus Welfare Fund, and Debbie Lake, from Lighthouse Seafarers Mission.
Nominations for the award can be made here before 28 July 2023. The award will be announced on World Maritime Day – 28 September 2023.
The MNWB requests that nominees are not informed of their nomination.
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