Nautilus knows its members are key workers busy keeping ports open and trade and people moving during the global Covid-19 pandemic.
That is why, wherever you are so are we over the May Bank Holiday. Our offices may be shut and staff working from home, but we remain vigilant to our members' needs.
Should you need help this weekend you can contact the Nautilus 247 helpline or contact a lawyer in our Worldwide Lawyers Directory in the country you are in. You can also contact the JASON advice and assistance scheme (the Nautilus Federation’s Joint Assistance & Support Network), run in partnership with Nautilus Federation unions.
You will need your Nautilus membership number to hand for all communications.
Members suffering financial hardship should contact the Seafarers Assistance and Information Line (SAIL).
Don't forget to bookmark the Nautilus Coronavirus Resources page, where you can find FAQs on your rights during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Members can also find the latest vacancies on the Nautilus JobsBoard.
If you're a Nautilus member, get in touch when you need us.
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