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If you are a Nautilus member working for a European shipowner, then your company will recently have signed up to an initiative to ensure you have the right training and support for shipping's digital future.
The European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF) has been working with its social partner, the European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA), on Seafarers Go Digital, which was launched in July at a special event in Brussels.
Seafarers Go Digital is a mutual commitment of the social partners to identify and address the challenges of digitalisation for shipping and seafarers.
It acknowledges the importance of protecting seafarers’ employment rights and wellbeing, while promoting a fair and inclusive digital transition for everyone.
Through this initiative, ETF and ECSA commit to working together to benefit the most from the digital transition while mitigating its risks and contributing to a sustainable and attractive future for seafarers.
The initiative raises awareness on key areas such as onboard digitalisation, cybersecurity, internet access onboard, e-certification, digital skills and attractiveness of the maritime profession. It puts forwards policy recommendations for further cooperation between the industry and the unions, the policymakers, and relevant stakeholders.
Developed as part of the social partners' work programme for 2024-2027, Seafarers Go Digital draws on existing initiatives such as SkillSea and the ETF's Crew Statement on Maritime Cyber Risk Management.
- A guide to Seafarers Go Digital is now available in the Resources section of the ETF website. Please download the free guide, and if you have any questions or ideas about the initiative, contact Nautilus head of international Danny McGowan at dmcgowan@nautilusint.org