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The Nautilus strategic yacht partner D&B Services is a crewing agency in Antibes, France, specialising in yacht management, crew training, crew placement and crew declaration. The agency is also authorised to deliver and rent boats, conduct yacht maintenance and supply equipment. D&B's head of training Jorg Wendt is interviewed on the current state of the yachting industry
1. What challenges does the industry face over the next five years?
Certification recognition due to Brexit, social security issues, and a shortage of qualified officers.

2. How do you see the future for seafarers in the yachting industry? What opportunities will they encounter?
The yachting sector is prosperous. Job opportunities in the hospitality section and in the navigation or engineering department will continue. IT and new technologies will challenge our industry to cope with onboard IT networks, the ‘internet of things’, automation of navigation and cyber security. The increasing size of new yachts is also putting a challenge on the suitable certification of future officers - such as unlimited tickets to command a yacht of any size.
3. How is the Maritime Labour Convention benefiting the yachting community?
The MLC has an overall very positive effect on seafarers’ employment situation, even though social security payments and income tax payment are still not the standard.
4. What would you say to other organisations thinking of partnering with Nautilus?
Nautilus stands for resolving issues and conflicts wherever possible through information of the social partners and moderation where appropriate, and with lawyers as a last resort. Our partners know what the rules and regulations are, so we still have a fair relation with employees or employers.
5. Regarding sea service verification, what are the key things that seafarers forget to do?
Some confusion exists and stems from complicated definitions of various service times onboard ships. We are working with the Maritime & Coastguard Agency to clarify various terms such as watchkeeping, yard and standby and actual sea service.
Seafarers need to send us your testimonials as soon as possible after you receive them. Read the guidance in My Nautilus members' area before filling a testimonial and you will get your SRB containing the same information as the testimonial endorsed onboard. I urge the superyacht crews to use the Nautilus guides to make sure they get it right the first time.
Main image: Luxury yachts moored in Antibes. Getty Images
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